Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Chocolate Bark, A Simple and Divine Gift

Need a recipe for chocolate bark?
Shambles Headhouse, ready to be feted.
We did.  Having agreed to throw the patrons' party for the Soiree at the Shambles, Claire, ever the gracious host, decided to bestow gifts of appreciation on the attendees.   [As an aside, The Soiree is the party of the fall; over 25 local restaurants provide food and drink as guests graze the gourmet offerings and reconnect with friends and neighbors after the scattered summer.] But back to our party favor dilemma.....To the rescue: Philly Food Lovers' Chocolate Cherry Cashew Bark.  We churned out 50 cello bags of this delectable in (almost) nothing flat.  Here's how:
Ingredients awaiting the alchemy that will spin them into edible gold!

 Cashew Cherry Chocolate Bark

1 bag Ghirardelli double chocolate chips
3/4 cup dried cherries
3/4 cup unsalted (or lightly salted) cashews

Microwave the chips in a glass bowl for 4 minutes on 50% power.  Stir til smooth.  Add cherries and nuts.   Stir again.

   Spread entire mess onto cookie sheet lined w/ baking parchment.  It should look like a large, bumpy, brown amoeba.

Spread thinly over parchment; this maximizes your output.

Refrigerate 30 minutes or more.  When hard enough to snap into bite-sized pieces, do so.  (Mess free tip:  use the parchment paper to hold and break the chocolate so you don't smudge your hands, leave fingerprints on the product, or worst of all, ruin your manicure.)
 Put pieces into cute little cello bags and tie with a ribbon.  This recipe makes about 1-1/4 lb bark-- enough to fill 12 small cello bags for party favors or 4 larger cello bags for a more substantial gift.  Be prepared for shock and awe.

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